Daily Devotionals for Women Blog

  • Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Ignite Your Purpose
    August 8, 2016 Stephanie Rodnez

    Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Ignite Your Purpose

    By achieving God’s purpose for your life, you can finally feel answer that gut feeling you have and start living your best self.

    You can finally start reaching your full potential and becoming what God made you to be. You can breathe easier because you know you’re taking charge of your life instead of letting other people dictate whether you go left or right. Because let me tell you, even if you start by working on your passion just 5 minutes a day, you’ll start to feel that bubble of excitement you’ve been missing for so long.

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  • Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Cheer Comes from the Heart
    June 17, 2016 Stephanie Rodnez

    Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Cheer Comes from the Heart

    If you constantly think positive, self affirming thoughts about yourself, then you’ll experience positive, self affirming thoughts about yourself as a result. Keep in mind this won’t happen overnight.  It takes an entire season to plant a fresh field of crop. But the more you work at it, the more you’ll start to experience positive outcomes rather than negative ones.
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  • Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Springs of Life
    June 15, 2016 Stephanie Rodnez

    Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Springs of Life

    Your dream is your boat, and your thoughts are the springs from which the river flows.  If you consciously monitor your thoughts and only dwell on those thoughts that give your boat enough water to keep flowing, then your river will flow.
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  • Today's Daily Devotional for Women - The Power of the Tongue
    June 14, 2016 Stephanie Rodnez

    Today's Daily Devotional for Women - The Power of the Tongue

    God has created you with a purpose.  It’s that passion deep within you, that dream you think is impossible but a dream none-the-less. Two things will happen with that purpose. You will either give life to it. Or you will bury it in an early grave. Death and life both come from your tongue.

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  • Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Be At Peace
    June 10, 2016 Stephanie Rodnez

    Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Be At Peace

    As a daughter of Christ you’ve been given the incredible gift of God’s peace. This means you don’t have to let the fear trouble your heart, you don’t have to let the unknown shake your fight.  You can leave it in God’s hands because He knows exactly what He’s doing. Believe me, sister of Christ, you can do everything God designed you to do.

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