Today's Daily Devotional For Women - You are made to endure.
Failure isn’t falling. Failure is about not giving up again. It’s time to turn your suffering into endurance so you can unleash your legend in Christ. Read today’s devotional on GodlywoodGirl.com to find out how.
Bible Verse of the Day
Romans 5:3 – 5 More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
Today’s Daily Devotional for Women
While you pursue your dreams, you’re going to encounter a lot of disappointment. It’s inevitable. But understand you are filled with the power of God’s spirit, and with that comes the ability to rejoice in your sufferings.
It doesn’t come naturally though. You must make that choice. You have to choose every single day, every moment that suffering comes into your mind, you must choose to decide to rejoice in. To find the lesson in it. To push you to endure and have hope and rely on God’s love to overcome it.
A lot of people don’t realize this, and instead allow the suffering to overcome them to the point that they quit.
But when you stop pursuing your goal, when you stop acknowledging God’s divine purpose for your life, when you take yourself out of the game – you are killing your spirit. You are destroying the creator within. You’re settling into a life of ordinary instead of rising to the extraordinary.
Don’t miss out on the blessing God has for you. I know suffering is hard. I know what it feels like, to feel so sad that you don’t think you’ll ever smile again. To be overcome with pain to the point that you can’t even breathe. To feel damaged to the point of no repair.
But it’s not over yet. You’re not irreparable. Because we have God’s promise in Romans 5:3 – 5, that within us is the Holy Spirit – the power to REJOICE in the pain, the power to let that pain push us to where we need to be. That pain is part of our success, that pain is part of our perseverance.
We must harness everything within us and choose to use it to drive us forward. Thank God for this new momentum, this opportunity of a lifetime to be your best self. Praise the Lord Jesus, this is not the end of the road. You have a beautiful life waiting for you to live it.
All you have to do is not quit.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the pain. It’s tough for me to say that, to truly feel that in my heart. But I believe the conscious decision to thank You for the pain and choose to learn the lesson and use it to propel me forward is more important than the feelings I have inside. So I thank You for the perseverance my suffering will produce. I thank You for the momentum my hardships will bring me. Because You are a God that makes even the impossible possible. This struggle is only temporary. It won’t be here forever. But You will be, and I thank You for seeing me and loving me through it all.
In Jesus’ Name I Pray,
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