Free Resource - Achieve Your Goals Daily Devotional
For a daily devotional written for millennial women of faith that will help you identify your passion, define your life purpose and create a strategy to make that purpose happen, check out the Unleash Your Legend daily devotional for women by clicking this link.
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always stood out from my peers as that super driven girl committed to achieving goals others thought were impossible.
I remember being 16 and making this crazy goal to take a $3000 trip to Washington D.C with a group called Presidential Classroom. Most of the people in my life said it was impossible, but I ended up committing to the goal, researching a strategy and actually succeeding in raising every penny I needed so I could attend the workshop of my dreams.
Over the years many of my students have asked me where that kind of drive and dedication comes from, and my answer is always the same: it comes from Jesus Christ.
Think of Jesus’ time on this earth as told through the scriptures. He came with a specific purpose, never deviated from that plan and built a team with the right strategy to make that goal a success.
And as a result, we get to be dearly loved daughters of a Risen King destined to spend eternity with Him.
And that’s what this devotional is all about. Teaching God’s daughters how to set the right goals, create the right strategies and implement the right action plans to fulfill God’s destiny for their lives.
Goal setting is an incredible, measurable tool for achieving your dreams while living your faith out loud. It’s an easy-to-do daily activity that will help you embrace your grander vision and live your destiny in Christ.
To receive your free copy of this 7-day devotional, email me at hello@godlywoodgirl.com.
God bless you always sister of Christ. And remember to #LiveYourLegend.