Free Resource - What's Your Purpose Daily Devotional
For a daily devotional written for millennial women of faith that will help you identify your passion, define your life purpose and create a strategy to make that purpose happen, check out the Unleash Your Legend daily devotional for women by clicking this link.
“Dear Stephanie,
“I am sick and tired of failure. I’m sick and tired of making wrong decisions that cost me time, money and happiness. I’m tired of feeling ashamed of myself, of being that girl who can’t seem to get it together, that girl who takes two steps forward only to be held back by my own fears and insecurities. I’m sick and tired of dealing with this. And from now on, I’m only going towards VICTORY.”
That’s what I wrote to myself after I made a really bad business decision that threatened to bankrupt my entire company and myself. I was on anxiety medication, dealing with panic attacks, and regularly bursting into random bouts of tears.
All because my reality didn’t match the life I knew I was meant to live.
Do you ever feel this way? That you’re meant for something more? But for some reason things just never seem to work out?
I get it because I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to move towards a dream just to see it burn out and fail over and over again.
At the time I wrote the above letter to myself, I made a decision to stop repeating the same habits that got me nowhere. I knew God destined me for success, abundance, and prosperity, and it was time that my circumstances reflected that abundance.
From that moment on, by the grace of God, I experienced more success, abundance, and prosperity than ever before. And today I want to teach you how to do the same.
The free What's Your Purpose daily devotional is the ultimate guide to discovering your purpose.
Discover the one secret “trigger” that forces you to get unstuck, accomplish your goals and unleash a passion-driven life for Christ...
- ...7 critical steps to discovering God’s purpose for your life
- ...easy exercises to pinpoint your interests, talents and passions
- ...tools to identify bad habits getting in your way of success
- ...easy ways to stop failing and start succeeding using a simple daily devotional
Follow the seven steps outlined in this daily devotional to align yourself with God’s purpose for your life.
And enjoy the ride that follows.
To get your free copy, email me at hello@godlywoodgirl.com