6 Ways to Overcome the Fear Holding You Back
Fear is a killer of success - when we let it be. It's time to stop giving fear its power so you can step into your legend in Christ.
1. Identify the fears holding you back. The only way to declare victory is to paint an accurate picture of your starting point. Are you afraid of failure? Are you afraid of financial bankruptcy? Are you afraid of death? Are you afraid of ridicule? Write down each of the fears.
2. Identify all the good things that can come out of you pursuing your dream. What is the financial success you can see? What is the love you can receive? What is the acceptance you can receive? What is the success that's possible?
3. Replace fear with faith. Each time one of the thoughts of fear from list 1 comes into your head, make the choice to replace that thought with a successful outcome from list 2. This is a process and will take practice, but the more the enemy realizes there's no bringing you down by putting ridiculous, unreal thoughts in your head, the stronger you'll become. Choose to not give any energy to the fearful thoughts and instead focus your energy on the positive thoughts. This is how the fears will slowly ebb away.
4. Tackle challenges immediately. Whatever was the biggest obstacle holding you back - perhaps a big project or a phone call you need to make - do it now. Use your new mental resolve to get the biggest task out of the way.
5. Create your own mental movie. Imagination yourself overcoming the fear. Imagine yourself living a life of joy, satisfaction, contentment and success. You'll notice a theme here - the fear only exists in your thoughts, so you can make the choice to think about positive things.
6. Give God praise. Call out Jesus' name. Whenever the enemy tries to hold you back with unrealized fear, the quickest way to chase that enemy out is by calling the name of Jesus. Cry out Jesus! Sing praise to His name! Give Him all the glory! And you won't even have time to notice that the enemy flees.
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