How To Think Positive
Hey Godlywood Girl!
It’s Steph Rodnez here for another blast of purpose notes, and this week I want to talk about “how to think positive.”
A few years ago I had a SERIOUS problem with my anxiety. I couldn't get through a single day without degrading myself, thinking negative about my future, and doubting my ability to succeed.
Can you relate?
How many of us go through the day thinking "we can't," or "it's not possible," or "that just isn't for me," when all along God DID intend it for you... but your doubt got in the way of your blessing?
I totally understand, because I used to get in the way of my blessing too.
But NOW I am humbled to report that it's been 3 years since my last anxiety attack, and I owe it all to the 3 steps God showed me to STOP doubting myself and START thinking positive.
And I show you those 3 steps in my new YouTube tutorial here:
[WATCH NOW] How To Think Positive
In the video, you’ll learn:
- How to think positive so you live your purpose
- How to create the right affirmations to change your thinking
- How to monitor your thoughts
- And so much more!
Be sure to check it out here:
[WATCH NOW] How To Think Positive
In addition to the video, I also wanted to answer some of the commonly asked questions I get about positive thinking. Email me at hello@godlywoodgirl.com and let me know any other questions you’d like answered.
1 - What is positive thinking?
According to Leading Personality, "positive thinking is a mental attitude in which you expect good and favorable results. In other words, positive thinking is the process of creating thoughts that create and transform energy into reality. A positive mind waits for happiness, health and a happy ending in any situation."
For example, before I learned the steps I teach you in this week's video, I used to literally FALL APART when things went wrong in my business. I would scream "I'm quitting" every time a sales promotion or campaign fell apart.
Fast forward to 2018, and I PRAISE GOD the Lord has taught me that even though I can't always change my situation, I CAN change my REACTION to the situation.
You may remember the end of last year when an unexpected family emergency had me in a hospital room keeping my family member company as he was treated by a doctor for 12 days straight. This happened right in the middle of the launch of my book The Prayer Journal (did you miss the launch? Grab your copy here.)
Before I learned the steps, I would have given up on my business and focused only on dealing with the situation at hand. But God showed me that my REACTION is what matters, not the situation. So my family member and I prayed, trusted God, stayed obedient to what He had us do, and kept it moving.
Now Godlywood Girl is still thriving, because of a reaction.
Be sure to learn how to change your thinking here:
[WATCH NOW] How To Think Positive
2 - Why do your thoughts matter?
Sheldon D. Newton says "Our thoughts are actually the soil from which springs our varied words and actions. In simple words, we live out in our daily life what we think about continually. Thoughts are intangible, but they are powerful, and their results are clearly seen, when acted upon. There is a saying that we are all creatures of habits."
Lovely, what you THINK literally becomes what you ARE. Your thoughts are the guidebook to which life either propels you or repels you towards your purpose.
Many Chrisitans tell me they don't believe in the law of attraction, but the Bible is CLEAR that what we think is what we become. Galatians 6:7 says "Don't be misled--you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant."
If your thoughts constantly plant self-doubt, negativity and lack, then you will HARVEST self-doubt, negativity and lack.
But if your thoughts constantly plant success, positivity and abundance, then you will HARVEST success, positivity and abudance.
God doesn't lie, and neither does His word. It is CRITICAL to your purpose to change your thoughts so you can step into the destiny God intended for your life. Find out how to do it here:
[WATCH NOW] How To Think Positive
3 - How do I think positive so I live my God-given purpose?
This is the exact question I asked God in 2015 when He woke me up to my purpose. The answer is simple: change your mindset and you will change your life.
When you are able to believe in your subconscious mind that your purpose is possible, it literally attracts countless opportunities for you to take advantage of. The blessing is REAL, sis, and my book The War Of Purpose Elite Edition will show you EXACTLY how to do this. Make sure you check it out here:
Ready To Live Your Purpose?
Ready To Activate God's Greatest Purpose For Your Life With My Free 5-Day Challenge? Sign up to receive my FREE 5-Day Activate Your Purpose challenge that empowers you to:
- Find God's purpose for your life
- Believe your purpose is possible
- Take action on your purpose EVERY single day!
Lovely, I believe that as daughters of a Risen King, every woman – no matter what her age, race, creed or culture – has a RIGHT to live her purpose in Christ! Grab your free challenge now at https://purposelegend.com