Life Purpose Questionnaire (How to Find Your Purpose in Life (with Questionnaire)
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Life Purpose Questionnaire (How to Find Your Purpose in Life (with Questionnaire)
Want a life purpose questionnaire? If you want a life purpose questionnaire so you can find your God-given purpose, this video will show you how to find your purpose with a simple life purpose questionnaire you can use. You’ll know how to find your purpose in life, and all the best questions to ask yourself.
written by
Stephanie Rodnez, Author, Filmmaker & Purposeologist
Hey sis,
It's Stephanie Rodnez here, founder and CEO of Godlywood Girl and creator of the Godlywood Girl School Of Purpose, and if you want a life purpose questionnaire, read to the end of this article because I'm going to take you step-by-step through the exact life purpose questionnaire I've used to help over a thousand woman find God's greatest purpose for their lives.
What's The First Step?
So what's the first step with the life purpose questionnaire? Well, it's understanding what God's purpose for your life actually is. So let's explore the Bible to find out what our true mission is on this earth, the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age."
My love, your purpose in this life is to share the gospel of Christ with those who don't know Him yet. But the way that you do it, that's where your passion comes in. Whether God created you to be a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, a nurse, an entrepreneur, social-media influencer or author, whatever it is God created you to be, that's how He wants you to share the gospel of Christ with others.
And if you're wondering how to find out what your passion is, my life purpose questionnaire below is going to help you identify what that is. So let's get started and dive into the questionnaire.
Here are the opening questions:
- What do you like to do?
- What do you care about?
- What things mean the most to you?
Once you answer those questions, we dive a little bit deeper into the things that bring you spiritual fulfillment.
- What activities bring you closer to Christ?
- What activities bring you spiritual fulfilment? Like they put a tingle of excitement right in your belly.
- What brings you peace?
- What brings you joy?
- What activities make you feel like you're making a difference in this world?
- In what ways do you want to make this world a better place?
Now let's dive into your natural talents and abilities, those things that you're just really good at.
- What are five things you're good at doing?
- What do other people say you're good at?
- What natural talents and abilities do you have that others lack?
- What are you known for doing well?
- What do people always ask you to do for them?
Once we know what you're naturally good at, now let's identify what your interests are.
Your interests don't have to just be what you're good at. Just because you're good at something doesn't mean you're interested in it, and just because you're interested in something doesn't mean you're good at it. In these questions, we want to know what you are both good at and enjoy doing.
- What things are you interested in doing?
- What are five things you love to do?
- Whether or not you're good at them?
- What are five things you would do if you could, no matter how crazy or out-of-the-box they are?
- Is there something you would've been included on the last list but didn't write it because it seemed too far-fetched? Maybe even impossible? If so write it down now.
- What sparks your interest?
- What activities make you forget to eat when you do them?
- If you could spend eight hours learning any one subject so you could teach it to someone else, what would you want to learn about?
- If you had to spend two years writing a book about any one subject, what would you choose?
- What would be your second choice?
- What would be your third choice?
Now, finally let's explore things that you're already doing for your passion.
- What is your favorite hobby?
- What lights a fire inside you when you hear, see, say or do it?
- What would you do if money were no object?
- What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?
- What is your dream job?
Once you've answered these questions, here's the most important step.
I want you to go back through all of your answers and take a look at what keywords keep coming up over and over again. Topics that show up multiple times in multiple responses is a huge indication that this is your life purpose.
When I did this, the things that kept coming up over and over again was writing, content creation, video production, writing, content creation, video production - over and over again. When I put those keywords together, I went to Google and typed in "what career involves video production, writing and content creation?" Guess what one of my top results were?
Yup - social media marketing.
I started diving more into social media and figuring out how to use this platform to be able to share the gospel of Christ with others, and Godlywood Girl was born.
So take a look at those keywords that keep coming up over and over again, go into Google, type in "careers that involve" and insert all the keywords that came up over and over again in your responses.
Take a look at the search results Google provides you and ask the Lord to guide you in the direction He wants you to go. When you discover a career path that really catches your eye, watch YouTube videos about those careers that interest you write and read blog articles about the careers that interest you. If possible, do an internship in the career that interests you the most so you can see if it's the right fit. THAT is how you're going to find out your true purpose.
Now, if you wanted some help taking action and the steps that I just took you through, I've created a free amazing Find Your Purpose Journal that lists all the questions in a PDF download, so you can grab your FREE copy of the journal by going to purposegift.com.
The Next Step
Now you know exactly what you need to do if you ever say to yourself "I don't know my passion," but if you're ready to get unstuck, stop feeling frustrated and start REALLY understanding God's greatest purpose for your life -
Then grab my FREE Godlywood Girl's Guide To Finding Your Purpose Toolkit where I'll show you how to find God's purpose for your life step-by-step!
The Godlywood Girl's Guide To Finding Your Purpose Toolkit includes:
- Find Your Purpose eBook ($37 Value): This easy-to-read eBook teaches you how to find God's purpose for your life step-by-step.
- Find Your Purpose Journal ($97 Value): This beautifully formatted Journal helps you apply what you learn in the eBook step-by-step
- Find Your Purpose Video Tutorial ($197 Value): This 30-minute video training walks you through the formula you learned in the eBook
- Find Your Purpose 5-Day Devotional ($37 Value): This daily devotional includes scriptures and affirmations that empower you on your purpose-journey
Sis, my greatest desire here at Godlywood Girl is to empower at least 5 million women of Christ to find their God-given purpose, starting with YOU. So visit http://purposegift.com so I can send you a free copy of my brand new FREE “Find Your Purpose Toolkit” today!
Want to learn how to find God's purpose for your life?
Sister of Christ, if you're ready to get unstuck, stop feeling frustrated and start REALLY understanding God's greatest purpose for your life -
And if you're ready to start living God's greatest purpose for your life, make sure you comment below, "I am purposed" below so I can be praying for you on this journey, and be sure to share this blog post with at least one women of Christ who you know is ready to find her passion and purpose in life.
Thanks so much for reading, and Jesus willing I'll see you in the next article.
Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez
Welcome to Godlywood Girl sis! My name is Stephanie Rodnez, Founder & CEO of GodlywoodGirl.com, and my purpose in life is to help you find yours.
A few years ago I made a terrible business decision that almost brought me to bankruptcy. The fear, self-doubt and lack of confidence I went through as a result of that poor decision kept me from living my purpose for 2 long years -
Until one day I saw a video by ET Thomas that literally changed my life. His "You Owe You" reawakened my purpose, and from that moment on, I knew I wanted to help other women reawaken their purpose too.
That's why I created Godlywood Girl, a motivational resource company designed to help women of Christ get unstuck, stop feeling frustrated and start living God's greatest purpose for their lives - just like Dr. Eric Thomas' video did for me.
My greatest desire is to empower at least 5 million women of Christ to find their God-given purpose, starting with YOU. Click below so I can send you a free copy of my Find Your Purpose Journal today ➡️➡️➡️ http://purposegift.com
➡️ Get my brand new, FREE Find Your Purpose Toolkit here || http://purposegift.com
➡️ Get your free 5-Day Activate Your Purpose Challenge from Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez here || https://purposelegend.com
➡️ Get my FREE 5 P's Of Purposepreneurship eBook to start a purpose-driven business online here || https://purposelegend.com/business
➡️Ready to learn how to live your greatest purpose for Christ? Join me in the Godlywood Girl School Of Purpose at || https://godlywoodgirl.teachable.com/p/schoolofpurpose
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