PRINTFUL (How To Start A Christian T-Shirt Business Using Printful) | CHRISTIAN T-SHIRT BUSINESS
PRINTFUL (How To Start A Christian T-Shirt Business Using Printful) | CHRISTIAN T-SHIRT BUSINESS
written by Stephanie Rodnez
➡️ Grab my FREE Launch Your T-Shirt Business Checklist here: https://www.purposegift.com/tshirtchecklist
Ready to learn how to start your Christian t-shirt business online step-by-step? Grab my T-Shirt Business Accelerator that shows you how to do do it here: https://www.purposegift.com/tshirtaccelerator
Printful anybody? If you are ready to learn how to use Printful to launch your Christian t- shirt business online, then stay tuned to the end of this video because in this video, I’m going to teach you my step-by-step formula for how I use Printful to launch my Christian t- shirt business collection.
Hey it’s your girl Stephanie Rodnez, Founder and CEO of Godlywoodgirl and creator of the Godlywoodgirl School of Business. My purpose in life is to connect you with the resources you need to achieve yours. If you want to be part of a growing community of women of Christ who are stepping into their God-given purpose, make sure you hit the subscribe button of my Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel. If you are ready to learn how to use Printful to launch your Christian t- shirt business, grab your pen and paper, get ready and let’s get started.
Step 1: Identify The Purpose Of Your T- Shirt Business.
The very first step to using Printful to launch your Christian t- shirt business is to identify the purpose of your t- shirt business before you try to launch it. Your business, in this crowded t- shirt business market needs to be able to stand out from everybody else’s. The only way to do this is by identifying the purpose that your Christian t- shirt business serves.
Here at Godlywoodgirl for example, I create t- shirts that empower women of Christ to remember that they were created for a purpose. This is because of my background, my own testimony when I told people that God wanted me to be a filmmaker when I was a kid. A lot of people told me that I was going to fail. They said I was too black, female, and too Christian. From there, a need to become a resource that empowers and encourages other women that yes, their purpose is possible, was born in me. I knew what it felt like to not have that kind of encouragement.
That is where my Christian business was born from. Find out the purpose of your t- shirt business. If you need help doing this, make sure you join me at the Godlywoodgirl School of Business where I will teach you how to identify the purpose of your business in the way that created you to do it.
Step 2: Sign Up For a Free Account on Printful.com
Once yo know the purpose of your t- shirt business, the second step is to sign up for a free 99 Printful account. I say free 99 but it is actually free, a 100% free. These print-on-demand services are absolutely incredible and they charge you nothing upfront to be able to launch your t- shirt business. It is amazing so go ahead and head over to Printful.com and sign up for your free account.
Step 3: Do Market Research To Identify What Your Audience Wants.
The third step is to do market research. You ought to ask your potential audience the kind of t shirt that they want from Printful’s inventory. One of the biggest mistakes a lot of new Christian t- shirt designers make is that they choose these amazing shirts but when they go to the actual manufacturer, they discover that the manufacturer does not have the type of shirt that they chose. You don’t want to do that.
You want to use the type of shirts that your print-on-demand manufacturer provides and then from that collection, find out the ones that your audience wants. Go ahead and take a screenshot of the different types of shirts that your manufacturer has and show it to your audience. Tell them: “hey, I’m going to print four shirts for you, what kind of shirts do you want?…do you want a long sleeve, short sleeve, V- neck, scoop neck, boyfriend tees, crop top, sweatshirt? What kind do you want?”
Whichever type gets the most votes are the four shirts that you use in your t- shirt business launch. You ought to make sure that you do that market research. If you don’t already have an audience on an email list, Instagram page, Facebook page, Facebook group, YouTube channel, then you can build your own audience using the power of an email list.
Build up your mail list so you have an audience of people who are waiting for your shirt. If you want to learn how to do this, go into the Godlywoodgirl School of Business where I show you how to create an audience online using an email list. This will be done using the power of sales funnel sis.
If you don’t want to wait to build your own audience, there is a little workaround but it is not guaranteed to work a 100% of the time. You can find other competitors inside your business who are serving the same types of shirts that you want to sell in your business. If you find their website you can see if you can sort by popularity, and see the kinds of shirts that are bestselling.
The problem with this is that not a lot of websites provide this information. Sometimes, they don’t let you sort by popularity. That’s why I said it is a bit of a workaround. However, the best way to do this is to build your own audience on your on email list. Then, ask them to choose the types of shirt that they want.
Step 4: Design Your T- Shirts Using The Design Templates.
Once you know the actual shirt that you’re going to be using, you now have to design your Christian t- shirts using those exact shirt template. One of the great things about these print-on-demand companies is that they provide you with t- shirt design templates for the exact shirt that you are printing on.
You don’t need to guess the type of designer size that you need to create for your shirt. They literally give you the exact size. You just have to download it and use that file to design your shirt. A lot of the time, you see people with their own t- shirt business who have walkie fonts squeezed inside them. This is probably because they did not use the design template that the print-on-demand company provides for free.
Printful provides you with this template for FREE! It is absolutely incredible. Just go ahead with whatever shirt that your audience expressed interest in, click that shirt, download that design template and use it to create your t- shirt design.
If you are creating your t- shirt design and you do not have a clear idea of your brand personality, color, font, and tone that you are using, sis, make sure you get into the Godlywoodgirl School of Business. There, I teach you how to create a brand personality so that you stand out from everybody else in the competition.
Again, you ought to create that brand personality based on what God purposed you to be as an entrepreneur. So, make sure you join me at the Godlywoodgirl School of Business. The link is in the description box below.
Step 5: Create Your T- Shirt Line on Printful.com
Having designed your t- shirt with the appropriate template, you are going to create your t- shirt line. You are going to go on Printful, upload those designs on the correct shirt and launch your t- shirt business. The cool thing about Printful is that it allows you to sell directly from their website for free. You don’t need to go and build a secondary website. You can launch your designs and have your own store on Printful.
Step 6: Order Your T- Shirt Proof from Printful.
Congratulations for having uploaded your design to Printful. The sixth step is to order a sample of the shirt. Another reason why Printful is amazing is that they will allow you to order up to five shirts per month with a 20% sample discount. You don’t even have to pay full price. You can order them for 20%.
I want you to order them so you can check the quality, the way that they printed it, and the way it smells. Wash it in a washing machine to see how it looks after washing it. Go ahead and go outside, do a little run in it, do a little exercise in it, stretch around in it. Make sure it is a good quality t- shirt because your name is on this Christian t- shirt business.
You don’t want to send people products of poor quality. I absolutely love Printful. This shirt that I’m currently wearing is from Printful. I am obsessed with their quality, their shipping and their packaging. I love how hey present everything. Make sure you love them too because your opinion may be different from mine.
Order a sample of the shirt and make sure you love it. If on receiving the shirt you discover that you don’t like it, sis, switch manufacturers. I did another video right before this one about how to use Teespring to launch your Christian t- shirt business. Check that one out as well for you may like it better.
Step 7: Launch Your T- Shirt Business On Printful.
Finally, step number seven is to go ahead and launch your store, provided you were pleased with the sample they sent you. A lot of us Christian entrepreneurs fail to tell anybody about them once we list them up. We only tell somebody about it once and we don’t say it again.
Now, marketing messages traditionally need to be seen 9- 12 times before a person starts to understand what the message is. Yes, 9 – 12 times. As such, you need to create a launch strategy to get your t- shirt business up and running. If you already have an audience, it will be a little bit easier because you just have to launch to your email list. I do launch to my email list.
However, if you don’t yet have an audience, design a social media campaign strategy to attract your audience. If you want help doing this, make sure you get to the Godlywoodgirl School of Business where I teach you how to use social media marketing to attract your audience to your Christian products.
Alright sis, I hope you enjoyed this video on how to use Printful to launch your Christian t- shirt business. If you have any questions, comment and let me know them below and tell me the point you’re looking forward to in launching your Christian t- shirt business using Printful. Sis, if you don’t yet know what God purposed you to do as an entrepreneur, make sure you grab a free copy of my 5 Ps of Purpose-Preneurship to Launch an Online Business. In it, I teach you the five fundamental steps of launching a purpose-preneurship business online.
If you want my help to be able to launch your Christian t- shirt business step-by-step using Printful, make sure you sign up for my Launch Your Christian T- Shirt Business Masterclass on my Godlywoodgirl website. There, I show you the step-by-step formula for lunching your own t- shirt business using Printful.
Finally, if you are not already subscribed to the Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel, sis what are you waiting for? Hit that subscribe button! My goal for the Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel is for it to be the number one resource for every woman of faith who wants to live her greatest purpose for Christ. If that is you, hit the subscribe button and God willing, I will see you here at Godlywoodgirl.
A complete VIDEO guide on PRINTFUL (How To Start A Christian T-Shirt Business Using Printful) | CHRISTIAN T-SHIRT BUSINESS.
If you want to learn how to start a Christian t-shirt business using Printful, this video will teach you everything you need to know.
Learning how to start a Christian t-shirt business using Printful can be overwhelming, but in order to get where you want to go in life, there are only a few tips you need to know. What are the tips on using PRINTFUL to start your own Christian t-shirt business?
I'll go into detail about how to start a Christian t-shirt business using Printful and the keys to taking the actions necessary so you can understand how to use Printful to start your Christian t-shirt business.
➡️ Ready to start your t-shirt business? Grab the Launch Your T-Shirt Business Masterclass here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/launch-your-t-shirt-business-masterclass
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➡️Get my free "T-Shirt Business Checklist here ⬇️
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➡️ Ready to start your Christian business online? Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here ⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
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➡️ Ready to write your book? Grab the Write Your Book Virtual Workshop here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/writerworkshop
➡️ Ready to start your t-shirt business? Grab the Launch Your T-Shirt Business Masterclass here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/launch-your-t-shirt-business-masterclass
➡️ Ready to master your purpose-driven goals? Grab the Goal Mastery Bootcamp here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.teachable.com/p/goal-mastery-bootcamp-2-0
1️⃣Get my FREE "Write Your Book Checklist here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
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➡️Get my FREE "Find Your Purpose Toolkit here ⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
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➡️Get my FREE "Write Your Book Checklist here ⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
➡️Get my FREE "T-Shirt Business Checklist here ⬇️ http://bit.ly/christiantshirtbusiness
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST - Listen to the Godlywood Girl Live Your Purpose As A Christian Entrepreneur Podcast here ⬇️
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➡️Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Purpose here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Grab the Godlywood Girl Author Toolkit here⬇️ http://purposelegend.com/authortoolkit
➡️Grab the Godlywood Girl T-Shirt Business Masterclass here⬇️ http://bit.ly/launchtshirtbusiness
Hey sis! It's your girl Stephanie Rodnez, founder & CEO of Godlywood Girl, and I want to welcome you to the Godlywood Girl sisterhood. If you're a woman who loves the Lord and wants to live His greatest purpose for your life as a Christian entrepreneur, then I created this website especially for you.
I started Godlywood Girl in 2013 as a way to help myself heal from the heartache and trauma of failing at my first business. You see, I was a filmmaker creating movies for Christian youth groups, but a series of bad decisions and mismanagement led to me almost having to declare bankruptcy on my first business.
For two years I sat in depression from the failure of that business, until one day, a video by Dr. ET Thomas inspired me to get back up and step into my purpose again. As a result, I got back to my God-given purpose as a Christian entrepreneur, and Godlywood Girl was born. My goal with Godlywood Girl is to connect you with the resources you need to achieve your greatest purpose for Christ as a Christian entrepreneur.
Whether you're just getting started on your journey, or you're a seasoned purposepreneur in the biz, I want to welcome you to the Godlywood Girl sisterhood. You are my sister, and I can't wait to connect with you online.
Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez
- Website: https://www.godlywoodgirl.com
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