T SHIRT BUSINESS LOGO (How To Design A Logo For Your Christian T-Shirt Business) || HOW TO
T SHIRT BUSINESS LOGO (How To Design A Logo For Your Christian T-Shirt Business) || HOW TO
written by Stephanie Rodnez
➡️ Grab my FREE Launch Your T-Shirt Business Checklist here: https://www.purposegift.com/tshirtchecklist
Ready to learn how to start your Christian t-shirt business online step-by-step? Grab my T-Shirt Business Accelerator that shows you how to do do it here: https://www.purposegift.com/tshirtaccelerator
Hey love, in this video, we are going to talk about how to design a logo for your Christian t- shirt business.
Hey my name is Stephanie Rodnez, Founder and CEO of Godlywoodgirl and creator of the Godlywoodgirl School of Business. In this video, I am super excited to share with you how to design your own logo for your own Christian business.
Step 1: Identify The Purpose of Your T- Shirt Business.
The first step is to identify the purpose of your business. Logo design is all about communicating the message of what your business represents. It makes no sense to create a logo design that has a tennis shoe inside if you are a makeup brand. You ought to make sure you understand the clear purpose of your t- shirt business. What do you want to do in this space? What problem are you solving for your customer? Once you are clear on that, we can then go to step two.
Step 2: Choose Fonts That Represent The Purpose.
The second step is to decide the fonts that represent that purpose. The fonts are the typefaces that you use on your t- shirt like this Godlywoodgirl t- shirt. You ought to make sure that you choose fonts that match the purpose of your t- shirt business. If I’m trying to launch a t- shirt business that attracts male athletes who are training to play in the NFL and I choose fonts which are curly and girly, they are not going to be attracted to those shirts.
You ought to make sure that the fonts that you choose represent the purpose of your business. When you are choosing fonts, you can use dafonts.com or font book. There are a lot of other font sites online that are free. We can take a look at the different fonts and figure out the fonts that match the purpose of your business.
Step 3: Choose Colors That Represent The Purpose.
The third step is to find out the colors you are going to use for your business. There are a lot of different ways that you can do this. You can go to Pinterest and search color boards to see different colors that really work together, their meanings, and the emotions that they evoke when people see them.
At Godlywoodgirl, I chose pink because it is a very fun, creative color that attracts women. That’s why I chose this color. Go ahead and do your research using Pinterest. Take a look at the different color boards, decide your favorite four colors that will work to really amplify the purpose of t- shirt business. I say four because if you have less, it is going to be hard to design. However, if you have more, it is going to be really hard to create a really rare personality for your business.
Step 4: What Design Styles Are You Attracted To?
Now that you know the purpose of your business, the font that you are using, and the colors that you are using, the fourth step is to take a look at the styles you are attracted to. Graphically, what kind of images do you like representing your business? You can go to pinterest.com and do a search for the different quotes that available.
You can search for motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, athletic quotes, and leadership quotes, just take a look at the different styles that are available. When you see a style that you like, take a screenshot of it and put it on your brand board. That way, you will have a really clear representation of the type of graphic styles that you like.
Step 5: Put It All Together And Design Your Logo.
Finally, it is time to design your logo. Go to fiverr.com and hire a logo designer for $5 and send them your brand board. You are going to send the purpose of your business, the fonts, the color, and the graphic styles you like to your logo designer. This will help him or her to have a really clear idea of what you are looking for in your t- shirt business.
I will never understand how people are able to hire logo designers without giving them something to work from. If not, that logo designer will have no idea of what you have in mind for your business. When you give them your brand board with these beautifully amazing elements, you are really communicating your vision for your business.
They will be able to give you many variations of different types of logos that you can then choose from. If you don’t want to use fiverr.com and you don’t mind putting a little bit more budget behind it, check out 99designs where you are going to have so many people submit their ideas for your logos based on your brand board. It is $99 hence 9designs. You should definitely check that out.
Here is a bonus tip for you, when you hire a designer to create your logo, make sure they give you the vector file. This is the file that can be re-sized to any size on any spacing without it becoming blurry if they are using something called Adobe Illustrator to design it. If they don’t use Adobe Illustrator to design it, make sure they give you the PND transparent file.
Sometimes when logo designers create logos, they send you the logos with a black or white background. The problem with this is that if you have the background on it, then you can’t put that logo on differently colored t- shirts. You want just the plain logo itself with no background behind it. Ask for the PNG transparent file or the vector file. If you can, get the original source file. That is going to be a Photoshop file or Illustrator file if that’s what they used. Sometimes, they are not going to give that to you but ask all the same.
These are the five steps to being able to design your own logo for your t- shirt business. Let me know the step you are going to take first in the comment below. You are going to do your fonts first, your colors first, your graphic styles first, hopefully start with purpose but after that. If you don’t yet know how to launch your purpose-preneurship business online but you are ready to get started, you are ready for the tactics, you are ready for the step-by-step plan to make it happen, come and join me at the Godlywoodgirl School of Business. There, I will teach you how to launch your own business online step-by-step, using the exact same business module that I use here at Godlywoodgirl.
If you are not yet quite ready to get started with the tactics but you know you want to do a little more research about printing your own business, make sure you grab my free 5 Ps of Purpose-Preneurship e- book. In it, I teach you the five fundamental Ps of starting a purpose-preneurship business online. And sis, if you are not already subscribed to the Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel, make sure you hit that subscribe button. My goal for the Godlywoodgirl YouTube is for it to be the number one resource for every woman of faith who wants to live her greatest purpose for Christ. If that is you, hit that subscribe button and god willing I will see you at the School of Business.
A complete VIDEO guide on T-SHIRT BUSINESS LOGO (How To Design A Logo For Your Christian T-Shirt Business).
If you want to learn how to design a t-shirt business logo for your Christian t-shirt business, this video will teach you everything you need to know.
Learning how to design a t-shirt business logo can be overwhelming, but in order to get where you want to go in life, there are only a few tips you need to know. What are the tips on designing a t-shirt business logo for your Christian t-shirt business?
I'll go into detail about designing a t shirt business logo and the keys to taking the actions necessary so you can understand how to design a logo for your Christian t-shirt business.
➡️ Ready to start your t-shirt business? Grab the Launch Your T-Shirt Business Masterclass here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/launch-your-t-shirt-business-masterclass
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➡️ Ready to start your Christian business online? Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here ⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
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➡️ Ready to start your t-shirt business? Grab the Launch Your T-Shirt Business Masterclass here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/launch-your-t-shirt-business-masterclass
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➡️Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
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➡️Grab the Godlywood Girl Author Toolkit here⬇️ http://purposelegend.com/authortoolkit
➡️Grab the Godlywood Girl T-Shirt Business Masterclass here⬇️ http://bit.ly/launchtshirtbusiness
Hey sis! It's your girl Stephanie Rodnez, founder & CEO of Godlywood Girl, and I want to welcome you to the Godlywood Girl sisterhood. If you're a woman who loves the Lord and wants to live His greatest purpose for your life as a Christian entrepreneur, then I created this website especially for you.
I started Godlywood Girl in 2013 as a way to help myself heal from the heartache and trauma of failing at my first business. You see, I was a filmmaker creating movies for Christian youth groups, but a series of bad decisions and mismanagement led to me almost having to declare bankruptcy on my first business.
For two years I sat in depression from the failure of that business, until one day, a video by Dr. ET Thomas inspired me to get back up and step into my purpose again. As a result, I got back to my God-given purpose as a Christian entrepreneur, and Godlywood Girl was born. My goal with Godlywood Girl is to connect you with the resources you need to achieve your greatest purpose for Christ as a Christian entrepreneur.
Whether you're just getting started on your journey, or you're a seasoned purposepreneur in the biz, I want to welcome you to the Godlywood Girl sisterhood. You are my sister, and I can't wait to connect with you online.
Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez
- Website: https://www.godlywoodgirl.com
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