Godlywood Girl Victory Bundle
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Original Price
$ 97.00
Current Price
$ 37.00
Do you find yourself constantly doubting your ability to succeed in your business?
You know what the Word of God says about who you are and what God purposed you to do -
And you want to DO what God purposed you to do so you can successfully build your business -
But for some reason, self-doubt, fear & imposter syndrome keep distracting you from doing the work you know is necessary to build your business online?
Sis, the same thing used to happen to me -
Until I started STUDYING THE WORD OF GOD and applying it to my daily actions as a CEO. Doing this every single day helped me reframe my mind, see myself the way GOD talks about me in His Word -
And finally execute my goals as a CEO in business.
And I want to help you do the same exact thing.
Develop A Mindset Of Victory To Give Yourself Permission To BUILD YOUR BUSINESS.
Reframing my mindset to start seeing myself the way the Lord talks me in His Word helped me get out of my own way and finally stop sabotaging myself as a business owner –
And it's time for EVERY women of Christ purposed to be a CEO to do the exact same thing.
And that’s why I created the Godlywood Girl Victory Bundle, a 5-part bundle that will help you learn how to apply the Word of God to your daily actions as a women in business...
So you finally stop sabotaging the success of your business, get rid of imposter syndrome, and apply the WORD OF GOD to your decisions as a CEO.
With the Godlywood Girl Victory Bundle, you’ll receive my 5-part bundle designed to help you study the Word of God from the perspective of a business owner and apply scripture to your daily decisions as a CEO.
The Bundle works like this:
- Godlywood Girl Prayer Journal Spiral Notebook: This spiral-bound notebook will be shipped to your home so you can take action each week. The journal comes with specific prompts to apply scripture to your decisions as a CEO.
- Godlywood Girl Prayers Of Victory Daily Devotional (eBook): This digital download includes 30-daily devotionals you can use to dive into the Word of God and understand what scripture says about your success.
- Godlywood Girl 11x17 Vision Board (Printable). Use this digital download to help you make the vision plain of what living your purpose as a successful CEO looks like.
Godlywood Girl 8.5x11 Victory Planner (Printable). Use this digital download to help you take daily action on your vision as a successful CEO so you can take consistent action on the RIGHT steps.
- Godlywood Girl Digital Affirmation Cards (7 Printable PDF Download). Use these digital download affirmation cards to speak the Word of God over your life as a CEO EVERY SINGLE DAY.
And as a bonus...
And as a bonus, I’m also giving you access to my Godlywood Girl Elite Facebook Group created just for women of Christ who have made a purchase with Godlywood Girl so you're always getting additional resources to help you on your purpose journey.
Your investment
This bundle is valued at $97, but as part of my Godlywood Girl 2025 Mission to connect at least 100 women with the resources they need to get unstuck, stop feeling frustrated and start living God's greatest purpose for their lives as business women -
I’m not charging $97 dollars for this incredible 5-Part Victory Bundle.
Nope, sister of Christ. You’re gonna get the ENTIRE Godlywood Girl Victory Bundle -
For just a one-time payment of $37 –
But only for the first 100 readers who purchase!
So click the Add To Cart button to get your copy of my Godlywood Girl Victory Bundle.
***Please note the printed prayer journal is printed-on-demand and will arrive within 10-15 business days. The digital downloads are available immediately upon purchase.***
Thank you for your time. Here’s to unleashing our God-given purpose as business women in 2025.
Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez