Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Get Rid of Distractions
Bible Verse of the Day
Mark 4:19 But all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life, the lure of wealth, and the desire for other things, so no fruit is produced.
Think about your dream. Envision the passion within you. Imagine yourself living it each and every day.
Now ask yourself this question: what’s stopping you from living it right now? What’s stopping you from running toward it day in and day out, from moving closer to it, from pushing yourself to making your dream the reality you live each day?
Whatever the answer is, it’s time to set it aside. It’s time to stop letting the worries and distractions around you keep you from producing the fruit of success God intended you to live.
You are more powerful than you’ve ever imagined you could be. And with that power comes the ability to identify out the fruitless people and tasks and distractions getting in the way of your success.
You know what those distractions are. Even now you’re likely envisioning that distraction standing between you and your dream right now.
Set it aside. Move it out of your way. Choose to no longer let it crowd your passion out. You deserve to reach success and become the legend God made you to be.
And if you stop letting the distractions getting in your way, the fruits of success will be produced.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for knowing me and creating me with purpose. I pray for the wisdom to identity distractions standing in the way of my success so I can stop giving them attention and instead focus my energy on success.
In Jesus’ Name I pray,
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