Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Be who God made you to be
Bible Verse of the Day
Psalms 62:5-8 5 I must calm down and turn to God; he is my only hope. 6 He is my Rock, the only one who can save me. He is my high place of safety, where no army can defeat me. 7 My victory and honor come from God. He is the mighty Rock, where I am safe. 8 People, always put your trust in God! Tell him all your problems. God is our place of safety.
You know you're beautiful to God, but you find yourself insecure with who God made you to be. It’s because you’re thinking too hard. The solution? Stop thinking so hard, because all that does is bring in the voice of confusion, which distracts you from your purpose and who God made you to be.
The enemy knows you’re vulnerable and looking for validation from all the wrong people. So he makes sure you get validation - the WRONG validation - the type that keeps you distracted and confused and afraid to take the first step in becoming exactly what God made you to be.
God is saying “Be who I made you to be. Walk in who I made you to be.” Because every time you don’t step into God’s calling, you become a hindrance to the people who you were supposed to inspire with your life. They miss the opportunity to learn from you and grow from you because you’ve hindered God’s purpose for your life.
But this doesn’t have to continue. As the daughter of Christ, you are VICTORIOUS. God is telling you what your calling is. It’s up to you to stop holding yourself back out of fear and the anxiety that comes from seeking validation from the wrong place. Ask God to tell you what He made you to do. Ask God to validate you. It’s the only way to step into God’s purpose for your life. The battle is for the Lord.
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