Today's Daily Devotional for Women - 3 Ways to Know if You're Living God's Purpose
In today’s daily devotional we’re going to be talking about how to ignite your passion and step into God’s purpose for your life. Tell me what you think by leaving a comment below or by tweeting me @GodlywodGirl. I love hearing other people’s perspectives because my youth pastor taught me we can always learn from other people’s viewpoints on something.
Now outside God’s church, people in the world typically define your “purpose” as whatever it is you want it to be, right? You live life doing what you want to do when you want to do it as long as it makes you happy in that moment.
But here’s why that method is flawed. Happiness is a temporary emotion. It’s not everlasting. Joy is the feeling that everyone is looking for, which is personal satisfaction, contentment with your life, and that peaceful feeling of just being “good.” But you can’t get that everlasting feeling without being exactly what God created you to be, without being your authentic self.
You end up feeling like you’re drifting along without a current, you feel like you don’t have a lot of self worth, you feel like you’re not substantial, you feel depressed and anxious and stressed and you don’t really know how to fix it. You feel unsatisfied and discontent with your life.
Here’s what a lot of Christians don’t realize. God didn’t create us to be inauthentic. God didn’t create us to hide who we really are. Every single one of us was created with a purpose. Romans 8:28 says in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. What is that purpose?
It’s the great commission Jesus talks about in Matthew 28:19-20, 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
This is your purpose. To tell others about the love of God. To tell them that Jesus loves them, and died for them, and if they believe in Him they can spend eternity with Him.
But the WAY you do this, the way you tell other’s about His name, is your specific calling.
Paul says we have one body, but many different spiritual gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:11-12 reads “All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines. 12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.”
Your piece of the puzzle, your chunk of the pie, is what God has called you to do. And how do you find out what your spiritual gifts are? Look inside you. It’s already there. It’s what you’re passionate about, what you’re interested in. It's probably something you're afraid to do. Because it’s going to be impossible for you to accomplish it without God.
It's probably something that someone has told you isn't good enough, that you won’t make money at. It's probably something that you think is just a hobby, but would do it for free. That's one of the biggest indicators of your passion. You would do it for free.
Here’s how you can find out. Number 1 – What do people say you’re good at? Number 2 – What are you passionate about doing? What would you do for free? Number 3 –How can you use those activities to tell others about God’s love? Then after you know those answers, ask God to confirm His purpose for your life. Spend at least 7 days praying, fasting and worshiping to ask God to confirm it.
And when you do this, when you’re living in God’s purpose and being your authentic self and being exactly what God created you to be, you can finally unlock inner joy and contentment.
By achieving God’s purpose for your life, you can finally feel answer that gut feeling you have and start living your best self.
You can finally start reaching your full potential and becoming what God made you to be. You can breathe easier because you know you’re taking charge of your life instead of letting other people dictate whether you go left or right. Because let me tell you, even if you start by working on your passion just 5 minutes a day, you’ll start to feel that bubble of excitement you’ve been missing for so long.
You can feel connected with your purpose, you can feel aligned with your core values, you can create a positive impact on the world by sharing God’s love through your natural gifts and abilities. You can reinvent yourself and be your best self.
And I want you to remind you how SPECIAL you are in God’s eyes with this affirmation:
God has created me to do GREAT THINGS for His Kingdom in this world. I have everything I need to step into my divine calling. I am equipped with all the talents, skills and abilities I need to ignite my passion and reach for God’s purpose in my life. Today I choose to believe in God’s calling and APPLY THAT FAITH to my walk so I can take the steps necessary to reach success.
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In tomorrow’s devotional, we’ll talk about the three biggest lies the enemy uses to keep you from living God’s purpose for your life.
God bless you always, sister of Christ.
You are the chosen daughter of a Risen King… And that makes you ROYALTY!
Ready To Live Your Purpose?
Ready To Activate God's Greatest Purpose For Your Life With My Free 5-Day Challenge? Sign up to receive my FREE 5-Day Activate Your Purpose challenge that empowers you to:
- Find God's purpose for your life
- Believe your purpose is possible
- Take action on your purpose EVERY single day!
Lovely, I believe that as daughters of a Risen King, every woman – no matter what her age, race, creed or culture – has a RIGHT to live her purpose in Christ! Grab your free challenge now at https://purposelegend.com