Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Say YES to your Vision
Bible Verse of the Day
1 Peter 2:9 However, you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, people who belong to God. You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God, who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
So many of us hide our gifts and our true passion because others say it's "impossible" or "unrealistic" or not worthy of pursuing.
But who are they to stand between you and the God created you? Who are they to put down what God has CHOSEN you to do?
You are chosen, my sister. You belong to GOD. And God has given you that gift - that talent, that purpose, that vision - to tell others about how EXCELLENT He is.
You're called to use that beautiful singing voice to declare God's beauty.
You're called to use that incredible acting gift to share Christ through film and TV.
You're called to start that business to be an ethical company that shines the light of Christ to your customers and the vendors you serve.
Your gift is meant for a PURPOSE. And when you say yes to it - you get to step into His marvelous light.
It’s time to give yourself permission to do it.
You are chosen, sister of Christ. You are chosen to do exactly what your heart is telling you to do. There’s no mistake, no mix up. You are the only person God called to shine His light exactly the way He designed you to shine it.
It’s time for you to ignite your light.
Today's Affirmation
God chose me to shine His light. God called me to forcefully advance His Kingdom with the passion He's put inside me. I say YES to being courageous, to standing out, and to using my passion to do BIG things for Christ.
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Lovely, I believe that as daughters of a Risen King, every woman – no matter what her age, race, creed or culture – has a RIGHT to live her purpose in Christ! Grab your free challenge now at https://purposelegend.com