Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Run to your victory
Psalm 20:6-8 Now this I know: the Lord gives victory to His anointed. He answers him from His heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of His right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.
You’re going to be timid when you first make the decision to follow God’s purpose for your life. It’s natural to be a bit frightened at the idea of encountering a situation that you deem unstable.
But God sees more than you do.
God knows more than you’ll ever know. Trust Him to lead you in the right direction, to protect you and anoint you and change the lives of other people with your story.
He has a perfect plan and will that you can’t see the conclusion of, but trust me, it will always end up with a heavenly victory with Christ.
Run towards your victory.
My purpose is not defined by logistics, neighborhoods or even nations. My legend in Christ knows no bounds, and if I just follow the Lord’s voice, He’s going to use me for absolute greatness.
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Lovely, I believe that as daughters of a Risen King, every woman – no matter what her age, race, creed or culture – has a RIGHT to live her purpose in Christ! Grab your free challenge now at https://purposelegend.com