Today's Daily Devotional for Women - God will deliver you
Bible Verse of the Day
Exodus 14:13 –Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again."
Today’s Daily Devotional for Women
“If you’ve been referred to Dr. Nicolas, you have cancer. Do you have cancer?”
Those 4 simple words coursed icy fear through my veins as the blood drained from my face. I couldn’t believe this receptionist was asking me if I had cancer.
Just a week before, I’d found a lump in my right breast that seemed pretty solid. I figured it would go away after a few days so I didn’t tell anyone.
About two weeks later, the lump was still there, and I knew I’d have to get it examined. I made an appointment with my doctor.
As she examined me, I fully expected her to say “you’re overreacting. It’s nothing at all. Go home and enjoy some apple pie.”
Instead, she said “didn’t you mention you had a family history of breast cancer?”
“Uh, yes,” I replied with a shaky voice. “My paternal aunt passed away from it at a young age.”
My doctor nodded, her eyebrows knit together. “I’m going to recommend you get an ultrasound. I’m sure it’s nothing – but just in case.”
“Uh, okay,” I said.
And that conversation is what led me to be speaking with Dr. Nicolas’ receptionist, whom I’d been recommended to based on my ultrasound results.
And now she was saying that if I’d been recommended to this office, it meant my ultrasound results showed cancer.
So I did what any normal person would do in that situation. I hung up the phone.
And prayed.
I thanked God for His promise. I prayed to God for His healing. I knew it wasn’t my time yet, that He had great things in store for my life – and this was just an attack by the enemy to keep me from moving forward on my God-given purpose.
And as I prayed, worshiped and gave God praise, I felt the Holy Spirit tell me that’s exactly what He wanted me to do… Put it in God’s hands, and trust that He would take care of the rest.
A few weeks later I got the results from my ultrasound guided biopsy.
The lump was completely benign. No cancer cells whatsoever.
The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
Everyone feels it. But guess what? Fear isn’t real. It isn’t tangible. It cannot strike against you, push you down, stand in your way.
Fear exists only in your thoughts, and therefore fear is a choice you make. It’s a choice to decide whether or not the unknown is going to strangle you to the point that you stop moving forward, or whether you decide to stand firm, face forward and move towards your legend.
If you stand firm, sister of Christ, you WILL see your deliverance. You will see success. The legend God created you to be will shine.
Don’t focus on where you are now. Focus on where you are going to be. Focus on your deliverance. Spend time thinking of the promise of God, not the lies of fear.
One day your success will happen. Make the choice to not let fear get in the way.
Today’s Daily Affirmation Statement
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