Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Work Hard And Rejoice
Bible Verse of the Day
Romans 12:11-12 - Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.
Today’s Daily Devotional for Women
You will never reach your dreams if you don’t fight through the trouble. You will never reach success if you let laziness take over your fight to work.
Trouble will come your way. No one is just going to hand your success to you. But understand that if you work hard through the trouble, if you keep on praying and stay confident in God’s promise, you will get to the finish line.
Failure isn’t real. Failure is just a temporary setback. Failure is simply a door that didn’t open. It’s time for you to get up and try the next door. It’s time for you to stand up and put in 100%.
You can absolutely fight through this set back and make it to the next level. Every single day make up your mind that you will fight for what God has intended for you. The enemy isn’t allowed to take your blessing. Your haters aren’t allowed to take your blessing. Your fears aren’t allowed to take your blessing.
Work hard, give it all you’ve got and reach for the life God intended for you. Your passion is yours, and you deserve to have the victory.
Today’s Daily Affirmation Statement
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