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written by
Stephanie Rodnez, Author, Filmmaker & Purposeologist
Hey love! In today's article, we're going to talk about how to keep pressing forward. My name is Steph Rodnez, founder and CEO of Godlywood Girl, and my purpose in life is to help you achieve yours. My goal for GodlywoodGirl.com is for it to be the Number 1 resource for every woman of faith who wants to live her greatest purpose for Christ. So, if that's you, let's dive into how to press forward.
Now when we are on our purpose journey, one of the things most of us don't expect to happen, but that happens all the time, is that we will fail. There's no getting around it, sis.
I'm sorry to tell you that this amazing purpose journey comes with a whole lot of failure. Even when you have reached your goal and you're in your purpose, there are still failures that happen, there are still things that go wrong.
No matter how successful we become on our purpose journey, there are still obstacles that come about that are surprising and make you want to quit.
You're going to be tempted to just throw in the towel and say 'I'm done with this, I don't want to do it anymore'.
That's exactly what happened to me when I first left my 9 to 5 job, and about 6 months later I launched a brand new coaching program that completely and totally flopped.
Sis, that program flopped, flopped, flopped.
I lost about $7,000 launching that coaching program. And guess what? I wanted to quit. I was like 'Yo, this is really expensive being a full-time entrepreneur and I don't even have my salary to fall back on anymore.' I was really tempted to just throw in the towel and just quit.
Ironically at the same time when my program flopped, my old job called me and offered me another position at the company that was paying $7,000 more than my salary when I left.
Now THAT is what I call temptation.
I began to question whether or not I was ready to live my purpose as a full-time entrepreneur. I began to question whether I was smart enough to do what it takes to make a living running my own business full-time.
And as a result of this questioning, I was very tempted to walk away from Godlywood Girl and go back to my safety net of a full-time job.
But then I remembered the Bible verse where it says to 'keep on pressing forwards towards the prize'. Paul had gone through prison, beatings, suffering and so much more, but despite all that, he still kept on sharing the Gospel of Christ.
Paul still kept on his purpose, no matter what life threw his way. So, I was like, 'Steph, if Paul went through all that and he still kept moving forward, girl, you can muster up the energy to keep on doing what God told you to do too.'
All praise to God, I picked up my fail, kept pressing forward, and now here I am two years later still doing what the Lord created me to do full-time, all praise to Jesus.
Sister of Christ, keep pressing on towards the prize.
Don't focus on the failure. Focus on the end destination God told you to achieve.
When things go wrong, don't dwell on the pain. Don't dwell on the mistake. Reflect inwardly and search for a lesson you can learn that will elevate you to the next level of your purpose journey.
When I had that really bad launch of that first program, you know what I did? I hired a coach to teach me how to launch products. I went ahead and took that program, implemented the steps, and successfully launched the School of Purpose, praise God.
A year later, praise Jesus, I successfully launched the Godlywood Girl School of Business, and now, praise God, I'm about to launch another program, and it's because I took a lesson in that failure.
I realized that trying to do this stuff and guess on my own is too expensive. If I had more money in the bank, OK, fine. I'm OK guessing through stuff and wasting money.
But no, sis. From that very expensive lesson, I learned that it's wiser to invest in someone who knows more than me and use that knowledge to get it right the first time.
Keep pressing forward. Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, look at the lesson you can learn from that obstacle, and then take it and apply it to moving toward your next step.
What Are Your Thoughts On Today's Post?
So that’s it first this first episode in the series. Comment below and let me know the #1 thing you’ll focus on FIRST.
And if you don’t yet know what your God-given purpose is, Sister of Christ, if you're ready to get unstuck, stop feeling frustrated and start REALLY understanding God's greatest purpose for your life -
Then grab my FREE Godlywood Girl's Guide To Finding Your Purpose Toolkit where I'll show you how to find God's purpose for your life step-by-step!
The Godlywood Girl's Guide To Finding Your Purpose Toolkit includes:
- Find Your Purpose eBook ($37 Value): This easy-to-read eBook teaches you how to find God's purpose for your life step-by-step.
- Find Your Purpose Journal ($97 Value): This beautifully formatted Journal helps you apply what you learn in the eBook step-by-step
- Find Your Purpose Video Tutorial ($197 Value): This 30-minute video training walks you through the formula you learned in the eBook
- Find Your Purpose 5-Day Devotional ($37 Value): This daily devotional includes scriptures and affirmations that empower you on your purpose-journey
Sis, my greatest desire here at Godlywood Girl is to empower at least 5 million women of Christ to find their God-given purpose, starting with YOU. So visit http://purposegift.com so I can send you a free copy of my brand new FREE “Find Your Purpose Toolkit” today!
Want to learn how to find God's purpose for your life?
Sister of Christ, if you're ready to get unstuck, stop feeling frustrated and start REALLY understanding God's greatest purpose for your life -