How To Find Your Purpose And Passion In Life || (And Know Your Life Purpose In 5 Minutes)

How To Find Your Purpose And Passion In Life || (And Know Your Life Purpose In 5 Minutes)

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How To Find Your Purpose And Passion In Life || (And Know Your Life Purpose In 5 Minutes)

Ready to find your purpose and passion in life so you can finally start living the life God intended you to live? This article is going to help you do that step by step.


written by
Stephanie Rodnez, Author, Filmmaker & Purposeologist


Hey sis,

It's Stephanie Rodnez here, founder and CEO of Godlywood Girl and creator of the Godlywood Girl School Of Purpose, and in this blog article, I'm going to show you how to find your passion and purpose in life with my formula that I've used to help over a thousand women find God's greatest purpose for their lives.

So if you're ready to live God's greatest purpose for your life, make to grab your pen and paper because I'm about to show you how to find your passion and purpose in life using a formula that shows you how to do this step-by-step.

how to find your passion and purpose in life


Step #1: Understand What "Purpose" Actually Is.


Step number one is to understand what purpose actually is. A lot of people think that your purpose is just what you're supposed to do on this earth, and I guess that's kind of true. But for Christians, our purpose is specifically to do one thing - and that's the Great Commission.

In Matthew 28:19-20 it says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you and surely I'm with you always to the very end of the age."

Sister of Christ, as a believer in the Lord your purpose is one thing: to share the gospel of Christ with those who don't know Him yet. That's why I'm able to help so many women find their God-given purpose in less than 5 minutes because all it takes is them opening up their Bible and reading Matthew 28:19-20.


Our purpose as believers in Christ is to share the Gospel of Christ with those who don't know Him yet.


But I know what you're thinking, "Well Stephanie, how am I supposed to tell others about the gospel of Christ?"

"How specifically am I meant to live out His purpose on this earth?"

Well, that's where we get into step number two.

How To Find Your Passion And Purpose In Life


Step #2: Identify The Passions God Has Given You To Share The Gospel Of Christ With. 


Step number two is to identify the passions God has given you to share the gospel of Christ with.  To understand this concept, we've got to dive back into scripture where Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

Sister of Christ, "in all things" means your passions, your talents, your gifts, your abilities - ALL of it is meant to be used for the Lord's purpose over your life. describes "passions" as something you are literally compelled to do, any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling you have about something.

So as you work to understand how the Lord wants you to share His gospel with those who don't know Him yet, I must ask you this question:


What are you compelled to do?


The answer to that question is the key to successfully living your purpose on this earth and finding out what you are compelled to do with your life.  And this can include MANY things.

  • For a woman who was compelled to sing, her purpose could be to share the gospel of Christ through Christian gospel albums that she releases to the world.
  • For a woman compelled to have a business like me, then her purpose in life could be to create video content or products and services or books that share the gospel of Christ with others.
  • For a woman is was compelled to help people in a hospital setting, her purpose could be to share the gospel of Christ with patients as a nurse.

 how to find your passion and purpose in life


For example, as a nurse for 20 years, my mother led more people to Christ than most pastors I know. As a nurse, she would read her Bible, give God praise whenever a patient gave her good news, and openly talk about her faith with whoever asked.

As a result of my mother being so open with her faith, many of her patients would ask her to pray with them during their recovery in the hospital.  She would always pray for them, and right afterward ask if they understood who they were praying to.

Sometimes the person would declare "Absolutely! I love Jesus and He is my Lord and Savior!" In those situations, my mom would celebrate that she was able to meet and pray with a fellow sister of Christ.  But for those who said "Actually, I'm not sure who I'm praying to. Can you explain Jesus to me?" My mom would share the Gospel of Christ with them. And if they decided to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, my mother would talk them through the sinner's prayer and ALWAYS gave them a Bible to take home.

How amazing is that?


And she was a nurse, a profession most people wouldn't associate with being able to effectively share the Gospel of Christ.


Sister of Christ, to figure out what God put you on this earth to do, to figure out how to find your passion and purpose on this earth, you need to do one thing: figure out what you are compelled to do already, the things that you love doing, the things that you were inspired to do.

In your passion is where your true purpose lives.

And for some people who say to me, "Well Stephanie, I'm compelled to sit on a couch and watch Netflix all day."  No sis, that's not the same thing.


Past times are not the same thing as passions.


I have never seen somebody get on Facebook and say, "Oh my gosh, I'm about to sit on my couch and watch 'Netflix all day, ah!" Now you may enjoy sitting on the couch all day watching Netflix, that's fine.

But I'm not talking about what you enjoy doing, I'm talking about what you are compelled to keep doing, that thing that when you get to do it you post on your Facebook, you take selfies while you do it and you're texting everybody that you're doing it.

You can't wait to share with others that you're doing this thing because you love doing it so much.

For me, that's being on a film set. If I'm filming something that day, I'm going to share selfies, behind-the-scenes sneak peaks, Instagram stories and anything else possible because I'm so passionate about video production.

But you know what you'll never see me share on social media, even though I love doing it so much?  You'll never see me share a selfie of myself while I'm watching Fraiser on Netflix, and I watch Fraiser on Netflix a lot.


I don't share it because I'm honestly just not compelled to do it.


I love watching Fraiser.  It relaxes me and makes me feel really content.  But I don't wake up in the morning excited to watch Fraiser all day.  I wake up in the morning excited to film content all day.

That is how you differentiate between what you enjoy as a hobby, and what you enjoy as a compulsion.

To make the process easier for you to identify what you're compelled to do, I have a brand new journal for you called the Find Your Purpose journal where I'll walk you through my formula step-by-step. You can grab it for free by going to

 Find Your Purpose Journal

Step #3 - Start Living Your Purpose


Step number three for how to find your passion and purpose on this earth is to start living your purpose. Once you've discovered how God created you to share the Gospel of Christ, however it is God compelled you to live your purpose on this earth -

Whether it's sharing the gospel through singing, through dancing, through acting, through being a medical research assistant, through getting your Ph.D., to being a police officer, to being a nurse, to being an entrepreneur - whatever it is - 


Get started doing it.


Don't let fear and self-doubt get in your way.  Don't let constant rethinking get in your way.  Take action, get started and LIVE YOUR PURPOSE.

And if you need help figuring out how to start living your purpose, make sure you read my How To Fight For Your Purpose blog article that shows you how to do it by clicking here.

So to recap, the three steps to find your passion and purpose in life so you can start doing what God created you to do on this earth is:

  • Step #1 - Understand what purpose actually is
  • Step #2 - Identify the passions God has given you to share the Gospel of Christ with
  • Step #3 - Start living your purpose.

Now you know exactly what you need to do in order to find your passion and purpose on this earth, but if you're ready to get unstuck, stop feeling frustrated and start REALLY understanding God's greatest purpose for your life -

Then grab my FREE Godlywood Girl's Guide To Finding Your Purpose Toolkit where I'll show you how to find God's purpose for your life step-by-step!

The Godlywood Girl's Guide To Finding Your Purpose Toolkit includes:

  • Find Your Purpose eBook ($37 Value): This easy-to-read eBook teaches you how to find God's purpose for your life step-by-step.
  • Find Your Purpose Journal ($97 Value): This beautifully formatted Journal helps you apply what you learn in the eBook step-by-step
  • Find Your Purpose Video Tutorial ($197 Value): This 30-minute video training walks you through the formula you learned in the eBook
  • Find Your Purpose 5-Day Devotional ($37 Value): This daily devotional includes scriptures and affirmations that empower you on your purpose-journey


Sis, my greatest desire here at Godlywood Girl is to empower at least 5 million women of Christ to find their God-given purpose, starting with YOU.  So visit so I can send you a free copy of my brand new FREE “Find Your Purpose Toolkit” today!

Want to learn how to find God's purpose for your life? 

Sister of Christ, if you're ready to get unstuck, stop feeling frustrated and start REALLY understanding God's greatest purpose for your life - 

Then grab my FREE Godlywood Girl's Guide To Finding Your Purpose Toolkit where I'll show you how to find God's purpose for your life step-by-step!

FREE Find Your Purpose Toolkit


And if you're ready to start living God's greatest purpose for your life, make sure you comment below, "I am purposed" below so I can be praying for you on this journey, and be sure to share this blog post with at least one women of Christ who you know is ready to find her passion and purpose in life.

Thanks so much for reading, and Jesus willing I'll see you in the next article.


Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez





Welcome to Godlywood Girl sis! My name is Stephanie Rodnez, Founder & CEO of, and my purpose in life is to help you find yours.

A few years ago I made a terrible business decision that almost brought me to bankruptcy. The fear, self-doubt and lack of confidence I went through as a result of that poor decision kept me from living my purpose for 2 long years -

Until one day I saw a video by ET Thomas that literally changed my life. His "You Owe You" reawakened my purpose, and from that moment on, I knew I wanted to help other women reawaken their purpose too.

That's why I created Godlywood Girl, a motivational resource company designed to help women of Christ get unstuck, stop feeling frustrated and start living God's greatest purpose for their lives - just like Dr. Eric Thomas' video did for me.

My greatest desire is to empower at least 5 million women of Christ to find their God-given purpose, starting with YOU. Click below so I can send you a free copy of my Find Your Purpose Journal today ➡️➡️➡️




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➡️ Get your free 5-Day Activate Your Purpose Challenge from Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez here ||

➡️ Get my FREE 5 P's Of Purposepreneurship eBook to start a purpose-driven business online here ||

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